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What is the difference between the raw materials of stainless steel decorative tube

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Stainless Steel Decorative TubeThere are mainly two kinds of raw materials, one is refining furnace and the other is medium frequency furnace. Below is the difference between the two.
1Raw materials of refining furnace:
Refining furnace decorationTubeThe steel strip is made of ore and other materials and refined furnace coal. The control of harmful raw materials is ideal. The material is soft, polished and the weld seam is smooth. The key is strong corrosion resistance, deep processing, good technology, convenient deep processing such as bending and welding.
Refining furnace for raw ore smelting, commonly knownAODRefining furnace is in standard atmospheric pressure to the molten steel blowing oxygen at the same time, blowing inert gas(Ar,N2), by loweringCOPartial pressure, to achieve the effect of a false vacuum, so that the carbon content is reduced to a very low level, And inhibit the oxidation of chromium in steel.
   Suitable for the production of low carbon and ultra low carbon stainless steel, easy to special steelScontent control in0.005%The following,AODRefining furnace can be secondary steelmaking, in order to achieve the purpose of refining can generally be flexible to add or reduce the relevant elements.;In the smelting process, scrap iron and iron sand are generally used for steelmaking. Product quality is relatively high, good ductility, stainless steel plate to do deep drawing products are generally used refining furnace smelting.
2Intermediate frequency furnace
intermediate frequency furnaceStainless Steel Decorative TubeBoth the material and the production process of the steel strip are poor, the composition control is not very good, the environmental damage is also very serious. In addition, the polishing effect is poor, the hardness is high, and the deep processing is difficult, and the important thing is that the performance is unstable and the corrosion resistance is poor. Intermediate frequency furnace is unstable and easy to rust, refining furnace material stability is not easy to rust. One: intermediate frequency for scrap metal smelting, the use of alternating current to create alternating magnetic field, in the alternating magnetic field inside the metal is generated alternating induced potential and induced current, and the direction of the induced current and the furnace induction coil in the opposite direction.
   Under the action of induced electromotive force, the heated metal generates an induced current. When the stainless steel plate passes through the current, it generates heat to overcome the resistance of the metal. The medium frequency furnace uses this heat to heat and melt the metal, so as to achieve the purpose of melting. The medium frequency furnace can only make steel once, especially in the raw materials can not be flexibly controlled. Therefore, stainless steel plate smelting when the general use of stainless steel scrap and iron sand smelting. This smelting method can not control the content of certain elements, so the product quality is relatively slightly inferior, generally will not be used for deep processing and other products industry.
Medium frequency furnace material instability easy to rust, refining furnace material stability is not easy to rust04Four: elements to distinguish: intermediate frequency furnace carbon contentC 0.1%above, refining furnace carbon contentCFor0.1%The following